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People skip ads,
but they share stories

Great brands are built on great stories

We help brands shape narratives that go beyond engagement, empowering them to stand out and build lasting relationships with their audiences.

Fresh thinking, backed by experience

Behind By the Fire is a team of seasoned professionals, supported by a network of expert freelancers in their respective fields.


Why Stories?

Stories captivate, connect, and drive action, making them one of the most powerful tools in marketing and advertising. Whether it’s a quick social post or a full-scale campaign, our storytelling approach ensures every piece of content strengthens your brand’s narrative and resonates deeply.

Own you story

Don't let someone else tell your brand's story.

Your brand’s story is the heartbeat of your company. While we’re here to guide you in shaping it, true ownership will empower your team to tell it with passion and consistency in every customer interaction.

We build stories at scale

the story

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust.

the story

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust.

the story

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust.

What's your story?


Story Agency

We offer strategic planning, creative story development, asset production, and digital media planning—delivered independently, in collaboration with your in-house team, or alongside your lead agency.

Story Consulting

Take ownership of your creative narratives through our in-house team training sessions. We’ll equip your team with the tools and insights needed to craft compelling stories that engage your audience.


Story Inspiration

Looking for inspiration for your next team meeting or company event? We offer tailored talks and workshops that fit your budget, leaving your team energized and ready to shape and share your stories.

Stories about us

A few words from our clients.

They really captured our company's essence and delivered exactly what they promised, showing us the road we'd been seeking

Michael Madsbøll

Sales & Marketing Director



Thank you so much! I'm really pleased with how the films turned out.

Sarah Trans Jensen
Marketing & Comm. Director


TDC Erhverv

…It’s been fantastic to have a creative process facilitated, which has led to so many valuable insights that we can further develop.

Stephen Kastberg Haar
Communications Lead



Stories from the past

Want different results?
Try a different approach.

Focus on the Story

Unlike most agencies that focus solely on big-budget hero films, we ensure that every piece of content—no matter the size or format—aligns with your brand's overarching narrative. We prioritize smaller formats, which often make up the bulk of a brand's communication, crafting stories that resonate across all touchpoints.


It’s not about creating stories to win awards; it’s about helping you own and share your brand's story effectively, to win clients.


Stories from the past


Stories from the past

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